The Server Console opens a command window with environment variables preset and paths configured for Uniform Server utilities. Apart from cosmetics, it is identical to a standard command window. This page focuses on using the Server Console. It is not intended as a definitive guide, but just an introduction to show you how to access and run server utilities, such as the MySQL client. Command window - backgroundUniform Server Zero XV is a portable WAMP stack; each component provides a number of command line utilities. These command line utilities can be run using a standard command window (cmd). The process is tedious, as the following example demonstrates; you need to change the working directory to the folder containing the utility to be run and set any environment variables as required. How to run a standard command windowThis example uses the MySQL client to demonstrate how to run command line utilities using the standard command window. MySQL client allows you to run SQL commands; for example, to create or delete databases. To open a standard command window, run the cmd command from the start menu as described below. From the command window, navigate to the folder containing the MySQL utility program and from this folder, run the MySQL Console utility. Note 1: The path where you installed The Uniform Server Zero XV may be different; substitute your path as appropriate.
Running a command window from the host PC can become tedious, especially when running servers from a USB stick or moving servers to a different location because the paths will be different. The Server Console removes these steps; see below. Server ConsoleThe Server Console opens a command window with environment variables preset and paths configured for server utilities, removing the above steps. To run a server command-line utility, all that is required is to enter the command name and any parameters. For the above example, proceed as follows:
MySQL ConsoleThe MySQL client is a very popular admin tool; Uniform Server Zero provides a dedicated menu button (MySQL Console) that directly runs this utility in a console window.
Server Utilities - View help informationEach server utility contains a help facility showing parameters that can be used. The following lists utilities available:
Benchmarking toolApache Bench (ab) is a simple http load generating tool. ab.exe -n 100 -c 10 You can target a specific page using the following format, and write the output to a file: ab.exe -n 100 -c 10 > test1.txt Same as above, with keep-alive on: ab.exe -n 100 -c 10 -k > test1.txt You can force the request to use mod_deflate (if available), using the following format: ab.exe -n 100 -c 10 -H "Accept-Encoding: gzip;" > test1.txt Note: Running tests from localhost skews the results; you should always run your benchmarks from another machine. Related topicsSet New MySQL root user password using MySQL Console --oOo--